Hide and Seek

February 2020

I have panic disorder, and sometimes that makes it difficult to go outside. For most of 2018 and 2019 I only left my apartment once a week in order to go to therapy, but otherwise I completely avoided going outside because it almost always lead to panic attacks. I was uncomfortable being seen, so I put a lot of effort into being forgettable and unnoticeable via wearing muted grey clothes, and avoiding contact with others (one time someone was calling out to me to be let into my building and I literally ran away from them). My only actual interactions with anyone were through my heavily curated and misleadingly cheerful Instagram profile.

In reality, I was hiding. This project speaks to a new stage of life in which I am no longer hiding, but rather I am seeking. This project, Hide and Seek, is an ongoing series of performances that forces me to face my anxiety around agoraphobia.


Coming Soon: